Uncheck Preserve favorite website data.Check Temporary Internet Files and Cookies.In the General tab, click the Delete button.Click the Tools menu, then choose Internet Options.Set to Medium or click the Default button.Delete any entries for, , and, then click OK.Delete any website entries, then click OK.Next, restore IE security and privacy settings to their default levels: This may take a while, depending on how full your Temporary Internet Files folder is. Click Delete Files, select the Delete all offline content check box, and then click OK. Click the Tools menu, then choose Internet Options.Ĥ. Note: If you are at work, you may want to clear these steps with your IT department before performing them.Ĭlick the browser you are currently running for the correct instructions:įirst, clear all temporary Internet files, including your cookies:Ģ. After completing these steps, you will need to log back in to any website that requires a membership to access. This involves clearing out old temporary internet files and resetting privacy and security settings. To fix it, you'll need to reset your web browser.
If you click a link and nothing happens, or a download doesn't work, your web browser may be blocking RealNetworks' communication with the Internet.
How do I delete my browser's temp files and change the privacy and security settings?