In most cases, you should be able to sort it out yourself quickly and efficiently. We recommend proceeding in the order listed below to troubleshoot the problem with your device.
This article will explore a few different ways to recover the sound icon if it goes missing from your taskbar.
There are other ways to adjust the volume of your device from the Control Panel, but the taskbar is the most convenient means. In some cases, the volume icon is greyed out or not functioning properly while in others it is missing entirely. However, some users have reported that the volume icon is missing from time-to-time and this problem can occur in various forms. We will walk through many of these methods on a step-by-step basis in this article. Thankfully, there is no need to put up with this problem for any prolonged period since there are a number of known solutions. The minor inconvenience of navigating to volume settings in your computer can be quite annoying if you need to do it on a repeated basis. This icon system makes it easy and convenient to adjust settings on your device without having to open the Control Panel through Windows Explorer. The taskbar in Windows 10 by default includes icons that help you monitor and adjust your network/wireless connection, battery, and volume.